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Medallion of Merit 2004

Jeanne Taccarino Guaraldo ’69Jeanne Taccarino Guaraldo ’69

There are few alumni who have served more effectively as both an advocate and a leader for the Moravian College Alumni Association than Jeanne Taccarino Guaraldo ’69. As alumni board president, Jeanne participated in the selection process for President Rokke; served on the Commission on the Future; and conceived of the Mardi Gras, now a highly successful event for students, alumni, and the college community. As a Trustee, she passionately championed the value of alumni, helping to foster greater institutional recognition of Moravian’s alumni. During the last ten years she has affected change in almost every area of alumni programming, driving from her Wilmington, Delaware home to Moravian for an untold number of meetings and events. As reunion chair, she helped develop the reunion program as it is today, including the creation of our annual reunion parade. As a past Alumni Association president, she started the Past Alumni Board and Past Alumni Trustee Club, a group of alumni leaders who meet yearly. Jeanne has reached out to Moravian’s alumni in numerous ways, speaking at a variety of events, serving as the class of 1969 reunion chair, and serving as a member of the Major Gifts committee. She also helped form alumni focus groups, served as the Philadelphia Alumni Club treasurer, and chaired Moravian’s 2002 and 2003 Celebration Ball. Perhaps her most lasting contribution to Moravian has been to initiate and co-direct the Women’s College Oral History Project. Using alumni volunteers as interviewers, she has coordinated the collection of oral histories of the Women’s College alumnae, assuring the preservation of the oral history of Moravian College for Women. In recognition of her leadership and service to Moravian, the Alumni Association is pleased to honor Jeanne Taccarino Guaraldo with its 2004 Medallion of Merit.