Dr. Heikki Lempa
Professor of History, Priscilla Payne Hurd Chair in the Arts and Humanities
Office: Comenius Hall 307
Phone: 610-861-1315
Email: lempah@moravian.edu
Filosofian tohtori, University of Turku, Finland
Ph.D., University of Chicago
My new project, tentatively titled, The Bodies of the Others. A History of German Sports, Medicine, and Dance in a Global Context, 1700-1914 is an attempt to understand the global entanglements of the German body and its practices. I am also involved in a project that introduces the field of health humanities into the study of German eighteenth-century culture and society.
Student Research Projects
- Was the French Revolution a Religious Revolution? Maximilien Robespierre and the Religion of the Supreme Being, (SOAR, 2021)
- Chinese and Indian Medicine and the West, 1500-1900, (Research 2020-2021)
- Ballet or Court Dance? Exploring the Foundations of the Classical Ballet in the Court of Louis XIV, 1650-1700, (SOAR, 2020)
- Moravians and Medicine in the Eighteenth-Century Caribbean, (Research 2019-2020)
- Max Schmeling: The Making of a Masculine Icon (1924-1938), (Honors, 2019-2020)
- Moravian Life Histories,(SOAR, 2017)
- Global Medicine and Sports and Germany, 1500-1900, (Research 2016-2018)
- Spaces of Honor, Making of German Civil Society, 1700-1914, (Research 2015-2017)
- Practices of Masculinity in Germany, 118-1934, (Honors, 2015-2016)
Current Research
My new project, tentatively titled, The Bodies of the Others. A History of German Sports, Medicine, and Dance in a Global Context, 1700-1914 is an attempt to understand the global entanglements of the German body and its practices.
Selected Publications
- . Edited by Eva Giloi, Martin Kohlrausch, Heikki Lempa, Heidi Mehrkens, Philipp Nielsen. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022.
- . Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2021.
- , eds. Derek Hillard, Russell Spinney, Heikki Lempa. New York: Berghahn Books, 2020.
- . Edited by Paul Peucker and Heikki Lempa. Bethlehem: Lehigh University Press, 2010.
- . Lanham: Lexington Books, 2007.
- . (Turku: Turun yliopisto, 1993).
Articles and Chapters:
- "Civil Society and the Embodiment of Authority" in . Edited by Eva Giloi, Martin Kohlrauschh, Heikki Lempa, Heidi Mehrkens, Philipp Nielsen. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022, 395-416.
- Journal of Modern European History 20 (2022): 44/58.
- in the Anatomy of the Medical Image. Knowledge Production and Transfiguration from the Renaissance to Today. Edited by Christiane Weller and Axel Fliethmann. Leiden: Brill, 2021, 95-111.
- in Feelings Materialized. Emotions, Bodies, and Things in Modern Germany, eds. Derek Hillard, Russell Spinney, Heikki Lempa. New York: Berghahn Books, 2020, 155-67.
- in Feelings Materialized. Emotions, Bodies, and Things in Modern Germany, eds. Derek Hillard, Russell Spinney, Heikki Lempa. New York: Berghahn Books, 2020, 1-21.
- in Deborah Simonton, ed. Routledge History Handbook of Gender and the Urban Experience. London: Routledge, 2017, 362-73.
- in Katharine Faull, ed. Masculinity, Senses, Spirit. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 2011, 81-105.
- in Paul Peucker and Heikki Lempa, eds. Self, Community, World: Moravian 鶹 in a Transatlantic World. Bethlehem: Lehigh University Press, 2010, 15-30.
- in Paul Peucker and Heikki Lempa, eds. Self, Community, World: Moravian 鶹 in a Transatlantic World. Bethlehem: Lehigh University Press, 2010, 269-89.
- “Patriarchalism and Meritocracy. Evaluating Students in Late Eighteenth-Century Schnepfenthal.” Paedagogica Historica. International Journal of the History of 鶹, 6:2006, 727-49.
- “The Spa: Emotional Economy and Social Classes in Nineteenth-Century Pyrmont.” Central European History, 1:2002, 37-73.
- “Historia, tunteet ja instituutiot. Lähtökohtia tunteiden historiaan” in Timo Soikkanen, ed., JÄLJILLÄ. Kirjoituksia historian ongelmista. Vol. 1. Turku: Kirja-Aurora, 2000, 167-85.
- “Bildung der Affekte. Der pädagogische Philanthropismus und die Entstehung des Bildungsbürgers” in Erich Donnert, ed., Europa in der Frühen Neuzeit. Vol. 4. Köln: Böhlau, 1997, 215-28.
- “Dietetiikka, affektit ja ruumis. Saksalainen 1700-luvun filantropismi ja kasvatuskäytännön muutos” in Heikki Mikkeli and Timo Joutsivuo (eds.), Terveyden Lähteillä. Länsimaisen Terveyskäsitysten kulttuurihistoriaa. Helsinki: Suomen Historiallinen Seura, 1995, 121-49.
- “Zur Bildungsgeschichte einer sächsischen Stadt—Wittenberg in den pädagogischen Umwälzungen des 18. Jahrhunderts” in Stefan Oehmig (ed.), 700 Jahre Wittenberg. Lokale, nationale und internationale Wirkungen. Köln: Böhlau Verlag, 1995, 313-27.
- “Peter Villaumes Gedanken von der Bildung der Triebe im Zusammenhang der Entstehung der deutschen Bildung” in Zwischen Wörlitz und Mosigkau. Heft 40 (1994), 24-27.