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Writing at Moravian Team

Headshot of Crystal Fodrey

Crystal N. Fodrey, Ph.D. | Executive Director of Writing & First-Year Programming

Office location: Zinzendorf Hall 202
Office phone: 610-861-1511
Email: fodreyc@moravian.edu

B.A., M.A., Western Kentucky University  
Ph.D., University of Arizona

Dr. Fodrey works with faculty, students, staff, and administrators. Writing at Moravian provides academic curriculum and student learning-outcome supporting services to the campus community. In her capacity as Director of Writing & First-Year Programming, Dr. Fodrey has weekly open hours available to meet with instructors to chat about any and all pedagogy topics, including, but not limited to, assignment design, rubric design, writing project scaffolding, equity-oriented response and assessment practices, digital portfolio development, and implementation of digital multimodal writing projects. 

Dr. Fodrey is an Associate Professor in the Department of English and Writing Arts, an affiliate faculty of the Communications and Media Studies program, and has served as Director of the Writing at Moravian program since 2016. In March 2022 the Writing at Moravian program—which oversees First-Year Writing, the Writing Center, and the Writing Fellows program; engages undergraduate students in writing studies research; and supports faculty development and curricular revision related to the teaching of writing in both undergraduate and graduate programs—was awarded the Conference on College Composition and Communication Certificate of Excellence, one of the highest honors that a university writing program can receive.

Dr. Fodrey specializes in rhetoric and writing studies and teaches courses in rhetorical theory, digital rhetoric and writing, professional writing, editing and publishing, first-year writing, creative nonfiction, and writing studies. Her research is grounded in her dedication to well theorized and effective teaching and administrative practices as they relate to writing across the curriculum. Her scholarship on faculty development in the teaching of writing and writing curricular development appears in Across the DisciplinesComposition Forum, Writing-Enriched Curricula: Models of Faculty-Driven and Departmental Transformation and elsewhere. Dr. Fodrey has given talks on writing pedagogy, writing teacher and consultant training, and writing across the curriculum program development at the Conference on College Composition and Communication (here, often with undergraduate researchers), the International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference, the Council of Writing Program Administrators Conference, and the Small Liberal Arts College Writing Program Administrators Conference, among others. She is also an active member of each of the aforementioned professional organizations. 

Chris Hassay, M.A.T. | Associate Director of Inclusive Excellence, Coordinator of the Writing Center and Writing Fellows Program

Headshot of Chris Hassay

Office location: Zinzendorf 204
Office phone: 610-625-7820
Email: hassayc@moravian.edu

B.A., M.A.T., Â鶹¹û¶³

Chris Hassay serves as the Associate Director of Inclusive Excellence focusing on Academic Support and Coordinates the Writing Center and Writing Fellows initiatives within the Writing at Moravian program. As Coordinator of the Writing Center and Writing Fellows program, Chris works with both undergraduate and graduate students across campus in Writing Center consultations, trains Writing Center Consultants, and work with Writing Fellows who are placed in courses which feature writing across campus. Contact Chris if you have any questions about academic support at Â鶹¹û¶³.

Chris has been with the Writing at Moravian program since 2016 in the role of co-researcher with the Writing-Enriched Curriculum (WEC) project and also serving as the program's staff assistant. He teaches first-year writing as well as worldbuilding courses in the English and Writing Arts Department. His scholarship with Dr. Fodrey and the rest of the Writing at Moravian team has appeared in Composition Forum and Writing-Enriched Curricula: Models of Faculty-Driven and Departmental Transformation, and he has presented on WEC methods and FYW pedagogy at the Writing-Enriched Curriculum Institute, College Composition and Communication Conference, International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference, Small Liberal Arts College Writing Program Administrators Conference, and Watson Conference. 

Gianna Tully | Writing at Moravian Lead Student Assistant

Gianna Tully Headshot

Office location: Writing Center Desk
Email: tullyg@moravian.edu 

English & Art History '24

Gianna is a senior studying English and Art History. This is her second year as a Writing Center Consultant and Writing Fellow. She is president of The Manuscript, the student-led literary magazine at Moravian. In her free time, she enjoys writing, painting, and watching movies.

Liz Kameen | Writing Center Support Staff  

Liz Kameen Headshot

Office location:  Writing Center
Email: kameene@moravian.edu

English & Political Science '26

Liz is a sophomore English and Political Science major. She is super involved on campus, being the Managing Editor of The Comenian, the social media coordinator for The Manuscript and the Humanities Club, a Humanities Fellow, and the Class of 2026 USG Representative, while working as an America Reads tutor and the Assistant in the Writing Center. She’s beyond excited to help out students both as a fellow and consultant in the Writing Center!